16th June 2018,
Dear All,
Welcome to Pro AudioVisual & Lighting Integration Association of Singapore, in short, known as the AVLIAS! I am all excited to join the Association as the first President and hope, you are equally excited as we embark on a journey to discover and learn the benefits of being a member of AVLIAS and how we can work as a team and AVL community to reach out to our target market in a variety of industries.
It is my understanding that it has been a long time since anyone actually step up and organize an association to look after the AVL professionals and companies in Singapore. I am most grateful to Jackson who actually takes up this challenge to encourage AVL professionals and companies to band together and register with the Registrar of Societies.
Since its inauguration, I am most pleased to say that the Secretariat office has already reached out to different exhibition organizers on Broadcasting, Building & Construction, Education Technology, Infocomm SEA, Security and Transportation, to seek close collaboration and promotion opportunities for the Association and members.
In the pipeline, there is an on-going discussion with InfocommAsia Pte Ltd to establish the very first Singapore Group Pavilion in the Infocomm Southeast Asia which is scheduled to take place in Bangkok, Thailand in May 2019. In addition, there is a plan to schedule an AVL education class in 2019 and a mission trip in 2020.
As a young Association, we hope to encourage all Audio, Visual and Lighting Suppliers, Vendors, Systems Integrators, Staging and Rental Companies including Professional Individuals to join us and therefore, we have offered a very attractive rate for our membership.
Do remember to visit our web site regularly where we can constantly share our experiences, strategies and plans to create and establish new market opportunities for all!
With Best Wishes
Mr George Lin
Pro AudioVisual & Lighting Integration
Association of Singapore